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a coalition of Iowans who support the rights of patients to choose the medical care that is best for them and help them access care without interference from the government.



Who we are? 

Iowans for Health Liberty is a coalition of Iowans who support the rights of patients to choose the medical care that is best for them and help them access care without interference from the government. Iowans for Health Liberty values the relationship between patients and providers, honoring each person’s unique knowledge to make the best healthcare decisions for their own medical, social economic, psychological and spiritual well-being. 

What Is Our Mission?

Support and elect political candidates who seek to preserve reproductive healthcare liberties.

What is our Vision?

Expand healthcare freedom by electing political representatives who support reproductive healthcare liberty and preserving the rights to make personal healthcare decisions, including the ability to become pregnant or to not continue a pregnancy.

Who is behind Iowans for Health Liberty?

This group was founded by a group of physicians united in their advocacy for their patients and reproductive healthcare. They were concerned about escalating government restrictions that were encroaching on the physician-patient relationship in reproductive healthcare and detrimental effects on patient outcomes due to these restrictions. They are united in their fight against these restrictions and will work through the political system for change. They hope to protect existing rights, overturn current restrictions and prevent future restrictions. 

Where do my contributions go?

The money raised by Iowans for Health Liberty will support political candidates at all levels who champion reproductive rights and to educate Iowans about the short and long-term impacts of any legislation that restricts healthcare decision-making. Abortion bans are dangerous and negatively impact maternal health.

IA4HL News

IA4HL’s Dr emily boevers speaking at iowa capital

Dr. Emily Boevers, an obstetrician gynecologist, speaks out about the passage of a new law restricting abortion rights, patient autonomy, and access to healthcare.

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Ob-Gyn: The two futures for Iowa women

By Dr. Emily Boevers In the next 10 days, the seven justices of the Iowa Supreme Court will issue a ruling in the misnamed “Fetal Heartbeat” ban. This legislation is the third iteration forced through the Iowa legislature in six years. It seeks to ban abortion at the instance of embryonic cardiac impulse at six… Read More &raq…

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Activate colleagues! If you are a physician or advanced practice provider who wants to support this work, please contact us.

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